When the passion of art is crossing dimensions
The concept of this artwork completely out of the blue — It all started with I saw a post about some art of eggs one day. Later on, when I was cleaning up the leftover resin from a project and the eggshells from my breakfast, this idea hit me — why don’t I try to make something about eggs? Easter is around the corner anyway.
To start, I did a little art experiment to test out this idea. As usual, the idea was continually forming in the back of my head in the next few days and eventually turned into a completed vision. I was going to build a tree of life with eggs!
Testing the water with the leftover resin.
Work in progress- sculpting.
Work in progress -coloring
The last time I worked with air-dry clay was 2005. Turn out I still have it but not without a few lessons learned:
- I forgot that air-dry clay shrink quite a bit after dried. It causes some parts around the wire had cracked and I needed to find a way to fix them.
- Air-dry clay is pretty fragile so I have to poul a resin coat on it. Will defintely use other clay next time.
- I played with the glow in the dark powder for the first time, which required a black light to see clearly while painting.
- Resin works extremely well with dark powder and produce the brightest glow.
I spent about a week on refinements, and here it is. I have let my imaginations run wild on this one. Maybe I should make a real lamp next time?