I create a fascinating parallel universe with the collective memories from all of us.


Event Branding - Infoedge 2015

Thought Leadership Event Landing Page

Thought Leadership Event Clients Invite Cover

Event Banners for black hat & Thought Leadership, 2015

Event Branding - OSV Winery 2008


Event Booth Backdrop for the OSV conference in China, 2009

The theme is designed to target the Asian market to represent the California dream and life style. They are 6’ H x 2.5’ W for each panel.



Brand Activation


Product packages, 2009

I created two logos and product package for the Ellis company and their ice cream line, Polar Dream, and large carton box design for the outdoor furnitures at Sirio.


Truck container wrap, 2009

Ellis company has their own truck and they wanted a design to make them appealing and stand out.

Large Signage for Truck Container, 200.jpeg

Large Format Signage Banner, 2006

This is a storefront services banner for signage shop.


App game landing page, 2012




Uploaded by Sally Chan on 2019-07-25.

The promotion video for Salamendar S for the U.S audience, which is proofed to have the best performance in the U.S. through a list of A/B testings.

Uploaded by Sally Chan on 2019-06-13.

The animation video for the global market, which had 30% conservation rate, surprisingly.

The animation video for the global market, which had about 20% conservation rate,

Recently, I have an opportunity to use AR technology to visualize the stories behind my paintings and to bring them to life. Here is the digital story that I created for my painting, Rainy Night.

Uploaded by Sally Chan on 2016-02-03.

A shipped animation that I worked for before. This is the clip from The Way to Heaven.

The Way to Heaven trailer.

Uploaded by Sally Chan on 2015-06-13.

Uploaded by Sally Chan on 2015-12-27.

The animated business presentation that I created for a client event under an extreme delivery timeline. I had to create and complete everything from ground up in a week, which is extremely difficult for a 7 minutes animation.

Uploaded by Sally Chan on 2015-06-10.

Brand opening for Sirio.

Uploaded by Sally Chan on 2019-04-11.

Brand opening for Ability Central.